Eclipse + Qt - Troubleshooting

This document deals with the installation and configuration of Eclipse and Qt.
It addresses the developer who is familiar with C++ and Qt basics, but not with developing using Eclipse.


Beside Eclipse itself and in order to move it to compile and spit out C++ and not Java, you need the following packages:

After installing Eclipse it will not work using a non-administative account. In order to fix that you have to modify the link that starts Eclipse the following way:
C:\Programme\eclipse\eclipse.exe -data "%USERPROFILE%\workspace".

To install the CDT, you open Eclipse and go Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install.
In the following dialog "Feature Updates" you choose Search for new features to install.
In the following dialog "Update sites to visit" you add a New Remote Site with Name "Callisto CDT" and URL "".
After adding, select the new entry and push Finish.

Install Qt and MinGw. Don't change the installation paths. This will prevent you from trouble.

Next, the system's path variable must be extended with the paths needed to develop with Qt:

Now we want to build the Qt debug libraries. To do so, go Start -> Programs -> Qt -> Qt (Build Debug Libraries).

Creating a project

Now it's getting dirty for those who are used in developing with Visual Studio :-)

Now the configuration should work and you may care about your real problems ...
If you still have trouble, you may contact me here.